Event API


Syncthing provides a simple long polling interface for exposing events from the core utility towards a GUI.

To receive events, perform a HTTP GET of /rest/events?since=<lastSeenID>, where <lastSeenID> is the ID of the last event you’ve already seen or zero. Syncthing returns a JSON encoded array of event objects, starting at the event just after the one with the last seen ID. There is a limit to the number of events buffered, so if the rate of events is high or the time between polling calls is long some events might be missed. This can be detected by noting a discontinuity in the event IDs.

If no new events are produced since <lastSeenID>, the HTTP call blocks and waits for new events to happen before returning, or if no new events are produced within 60 seconds, times out.

To receive only a limited number of events, add the limit=n parameter with a suitable value for n and only the last n events will be returned. This can be used to catch up with the latest event ID after a disconnection for example: /rest/events?since=0&limit=1.

Event Structure

Each event is represented by an object similar to the following:

    "id": 2,
    "type": "DeviceConnected",
    "time": "2014-07-13T21:04:33.687836696+02:00",
    "data": {
        "addr": "",

The top level keys id, time, type and data are always present, though data may be null.


A monotonically increasing integer. The first event generated has id 1, the next has id 2 etc.


The time the event was generated.


Indicates the type of (i.e. reason for) the event and is one of the event types below.


An object containing optional extra information; the exact structure is determined by the event type.
