DELETE /rest/cluster/pending/devices

Added in version 1.18.0.

Remove records about a pending remote device which tried to connect. Valid values for the device parameter are those from the corresponding GET /rest/cluster/pending/devices endpoint.

$ curl -X DELETE -H "X-API-Key: abc123" http://localhost:8384/rest/cluster/pending/devices?device=P56IOI7-MZJNU2Y-IQGDREY-DM2MGTI-MGL3BXN-PQ6W5BM-TBBZ4TJ-XZWICQ2

Returns status 200 and no content upon success, or status 500 and a plain text error on failure. A PendingDevicesChanged event will be generated in response.

For a more permanent effect, also for future connections from the same device ID, the device should be ignored in the configuration instead.